Source code for

# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Spaces in which particles are simulated.

Spaces are pairs of functions containing:
  `displacement_fn(Ra, Rb, **kwargs)`:
    Computes displacements between pairs of particles. `Ra` and `Rb` should
    be ndarrays of shape `[spatial_dim]`. Returns an ndarray of shape `[spatial_dim]`.
    To compute the displacement over more than one particle at a time see the
    :meth:`map_product`, :meth:`map_bond`, and :meth:`map_neighbor` functions.
  `shift_fn(R, dR, **kwargs)`:
    Moves points at position `R` by an amount `dR`.

Spaces can accept keyword arguments allowing the space to be changed over the
course of a simulation. For an example of this use see :meth:`periodic_general`.

Although displacement functions are compute the displacement between two
points, it is often useful to compute displacements between multiple particles
in a vectorized fashion. To do this we provide three functions: `map_product`,
`map_bond`, and `map_neighbor`:
    Computes displacements between all pairs of points such that if
    `Ra` has shape `[n, spatial_dim]` and `Rb` has shape `[m, spatial_dim]` then the
    output has shape `[n, m, spatial_dim]`.
    Computes displacements between all points in a list such that if
    `Ra` has shape `[n, spatial_dim]` and `Rb` has shape `[m, spatial_dim]` then the
    output has shape `[n, spatial_dim]`.
    Computes displacements between points and all of their
    neighbors such that if `Ra` has shape `[n, spatial_dim]` and `Rb` has shape
    `[n, neighbors, spatial_dim]` then the output has shape
    `[n, neighbors, spatial_dim]`.

from typing import Callable, Union, Tuple, Any, Optional

from jax.core import ShapedArray

from jax import eval_shape
from jax import vmap
from jax import custom_jvp

import jax

import jax.numpy as jnp

from jax_md.util import Array
from jax_md.util import f32
from jax_md.util import f64
from jax_md.util import safe_mask

# Types

DisplacementFn = Callable[[Array, Array], Array]
MetricFn = Callable[[Array, Array], float]
DisplacementOrMetricFn = Union[DisplacementFn, MetricFn]

ShiftFn = Callable[[Array, Array], Array]

Space = Tuple[DisplacementFn, ShiftFn]
Box = Array

# Exceptions

class UnexpectedBoxException(Exception):

# Primitive Spatial Transforms

def inverse(box: Box) -> Box:
  """Compute the inverse of an affine transformation."""
  if jnp.isscalar(box) or box.size == 1:
    return 1 / box
  elif box.ndim == 1:
    return 1 / box
  elif box.ndim == 2:
    return jnp.linalg.inv(box)
  raise ValueError(('Box must be either: a scalar, a vector, or a matrix. '
                    f'Found {box}.'))

def _get_free_indices(n: int) -> str:
  return ''.join([chr(ord('a') + i) for i in range(n)])

def raw_transform(box: Box, R: Array) -> Array:
  """Apply an affine transformation to positions.

  See `periodic_general` for a description of the semantics of `box`.

    box: An affine transformation described in `periodic_general`.
    R: Array of positions. Should have  shape `(..., spatial_dimension)`.

    A transformed array positions of shape `(..., spatial_dimension)`.
  if jnp.isscalar(box) or box.size == 1:
    return R * box
  elif box.ndim == 1:
    indices = _get_free_indices(R.ndim - 1) + 'i'
    return jnp.einsum(f'i,{indices}->{indices}', box, R)
  elif box.ndim == 2:
    free_indices = _get_free_indices(R.ndim - 1)
    left_indices = free_indices + 'j'
    right_indices = free_indices + 'i'
    return jnp.einsum(f'ij,{left_indices}->{right_indices}', box, R)
  raise ValueError(('Box must be either: a scalar, a vector, or a matrix. '
                    f'Found {box}.'))

[docs]@custom_jvp def transform(box: Box, R: Array) -> Array: """Apply an affine transformation to positions. See `periodic_general` for a description of the semantics of `box`. Args: box: An affine transformation described in `periodic_general`. R: Array of positions. Should have shape `(..., spatial_dimension)`. Returns: A transformed array positions of shape `(..., spatial_dimension)`. """ return raw_transform(box, R)
@transform.defjvp def transform_jvp(primals, tangents): box, R = primals dbox, dR = tangents return (transform(box, R), dR + transform(dbox, R))
[docs]def pairwise_displacement(Ra: Array, Rb: Array) -> Array: """Compute a matrix of pairwise displacements given two sets of positions. Args: Ra: Vector of positions; `ndarray(shape=[spatial_dim])`. Rb: Vector of positions; `ndarray(shape=[spatial_dim])`. Returns: Matrix of displacements; `ndarray(shape=[spatial_dim])`. """ if len(Ra.shape) != 1: msg = ( 'Can only compute displacements between vectors. To compute ' 'displacements between sets of vectors use vmap or TODO.' ) raise ValueError(msg) if Ra.shape != Rb.shape: msg = 'Can only compute displacement between vectors of equal dimension.' raise ValueError(msg) return Ra - Rb
def periodic_displacement(side: Box, dR: Array) -> Array: """Wraps displacement vectors into a hypercube. Args: side: Specification of hypercube size. Either, (a) float if all sides have equal length. (b) ndarray(spatial_dim) if sides have different lengths. dR: Matrix of displacements; `ndarray(shape=[..., spatial_dim])`. Returns: Matrix of wrapped displacements; `ndarray(shape=[..., spatial_dim])`. """ return jnp.mod(dR + side * f32(0.5), side) - f32(0.5) * side
[docs]def square_distance(dR: Array) -> Array: """Computes square distances. Args: dR: Matrix of displacements; `ndarray(shape=[..., spatial_dim])`. Returns: Matrix of squared distances; `ndarray(shape=[...])`. """ return jnp.sum(dR ** 2, axis=-1)
[docs]def distance(dR: Array) -> Array: """Computes distances. Args: dR: Matrix of displacements; `ndarray(shape=[..., spatial_dim])`. Returns: Matrix of distances; `ndarray(shape=[...])`. """ dr = square_distance(dR) return safe_mask(dr > 0, jnp.sqrt, dr)
[docs]def periodic_shift(side: Box, R: Array, dR: Array) -> Array: """Shifts positions, wrapping them back within a periodic hypercube.""" return jnp.mod(R + dR, side)
""" Spaces """
[docs]def free() -> Space: """Free boundary conditions.""" def displacement_fn(Ra: Array, Rb: Array, perturbation: Optional[Array]=None, **unused_kwargs) -> Array: dR = pairwise_displacement(Ra, Rb) if perturbation is not None: dR = raw_transform(perturbation, dR) return dR def shift_fn(R: Array, dR: Array, **unused_kwargs) -> Array: return R + dR return displacement_fn, shift_fn
[docs]def periodic(side: Box, wrapped: bool=True) -> Space: """Periodic boundary conditions on a hypercube of sidelength side. Args: side: Either a float or an ndarray of shape [spatial_dimension] specifying the size of each side of the periodic box. wrapped: A boolean specifying whether or not particle positions are remapped back into the box after each step Returns: `(displacement_fn, shift_fn)` tuple. """ def displacement_fn(Ra: Array, Rb: Array, perturbation: Optional[Array] = None, **unused_kwargs) -> Array: if 'box' in unused_kwargs: raise UnexpectedBoxException(('`space.periodic` does not accept a box ' 'argument. Perhaps you meant to use ' '`space.periodic_general`?')) dR = periodic_displacement(side, pairwise_displacement(Ra, Rb)) if perturbation is not None: dR = raw_transform(perturbation, dR) return dR if wrapped: def shift_fn(R: Array, dR: Array, **unused_kwargs) -> Array: if 'box' in unused_kwargs: raise UnexpectedBoxException(('`space.periodic` does not accept a box ' 'argument. Perhaps you meant to use ' '`space.periodic_general`?')) return periodic_shift(side, R, dR) else: def shift_fn(R: Array, dR: Array, **unused_kwargs) -> Array: if 'box' in unused_kwargs: raise UnexpectedBoxException(('`space.periodic` does not accept a box ' 'argument. Perhaps you meant to use ' '`space.periodic_general`?')) return R + dR return displacement_fn, shift_fn
[docs]def periodic_general(box: Box, fractional_coordinates: bool=True, wrapped: bool=True) -> Space: """Periodic boundary conditions on a parallelepiped. This function defines a simulation on a parallelepiped, :math:`X`, formed by applying an affine transformation, :math:`T`, to the unit hypercube :math:`U = [0, 1]^d` along with periodic boundary conditions across all of the faces. Formally, the space is defined such that :math:`X = {Tu : u \in [0, 1]^d}`. The affine transformation, :math:`T`, can be specified in a number of different ways. For a parallelepiped that is: 1) a cube of side length :math:`L`, the affine transformation can simply be a scalar; 2) an orthorhombic unit cell can be specified by a vector `[Lx, Ly, Lz]` of lengths for each axis; 3) a general triclinic cell can be specified by an upper triangular matrix. There are a number of ways to parameterize a simulation on :math:`X`. `periodic_general` supports two parametrizations of :math:`X` that can be selected using the `fractional_coordinates` keyword argument. 1) When `fractional_coordinates=True`, particle positions are stored in the unit cube, :math:`u\in U`. Here, the displacement function computes the displacement between :math:`x, y \in X` as :math:`d_X(x, y) = Td_U(u, v)` where :math:`d_U` is the displacement function on the unit cube, :math:`U`, :math:`x = Tu`, and :math:`v = Tv` with :math:`u, v \in U`. The derivative of the displacement function is defined so that derivatives live in :math:`X` (as opposed to being backpropagated to :math:`U`). The shift function, `shift_fn(R, dR)` is defined so that :math:`R` is expected to lie in :math:`U` while :math:`dR` should lie in :math:`X`. This combination enables code such as `shift_fn(R, force_fn(R))` to work as intended. 2) When `fractional_coordinates=False`, particle positions are stored in the parallelepiped :math:`X`. Here, for :math:`x, y \in X`, the displacement function is defined as :math:`d_X(x, y) = Td_U(T^{-1}x, T^{-1}y)`. Since there is an extra multiplication by :math:`T^{-1}`, this parameterization is typically slower than `fractional_coordinates=False`. As in 1), the displacement function is defined to compute derivatives in :math:`X`. The shift function is defined so that :math:`R` and :math:`dR` should both lie in :math:`X`. Example: .. code-block:: python from jax import random side_length = 10.0 disp_frac, shift_frac = periodic_general(side_length, fractional_coordinates=True) disp_real, shift_real = periodic_general(side_length, fractional_coordinates=False) # Instantiate random positions in both parameterizations. R_frac = random.uniform(random.PRNGKey(0), (4, 3)) R_real = side_length * R_frac # Make some shift vectors. dR = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), (4, 3)) disp_real(R_real[0], R_real[1]) == disp_frac(R_frac[0], R_frac[1]) transform(side_length, shift_frac(R_frac, 1.0)) == shift_real(R_real, 1.0) It is often desirable to deform a simulation cell either: using a finite deformation during a simulation, or using an infinitesimal deformation while computing elastic constants. To do this using fractional coordinates, we can supply a new affine transformation as `displacement_fn(Ra, Rb, box=new_box)`. When using real coordinates, we can specify positions in a space :math:`X` defined by an affine transformation :math:`T` and compute displacements in a deformed space :math:`X'` defined by an affine transformation :math:`T'`. This is done by writing `displacement_fn(Ra, Rb, new_box=new_box)`. There are a few caveats when using `periodic_general`. `periodic_general` uses the minimum image convention, and so it will fail for potentials whose cutoff is longer than the half of the side-length of the box. It will also fail to find the correct image when the box is too deformed. We hope to add a more robust box for small simulations soon (TODO) along with better error checking. In the meantime caution is recommended. Args: box: A `(spatial_dim, spatial_dim)` affine transformation. fractional_coordinates: A boolean specifying whether positions are stored in the parallelepiped or the unit cube. wrapped: A boolean specifying whether or not particle positions are remapped back into the box after each step Returns: `(displacement_fn, shift_fn)` tuple. """ inv_box = inverse(box) def displacement_fn(Ra, Rb, perturbation=None, **kwargs): _box, _inv_box = box, inv_box if 'box' in kwargs: _box = kwargs['box'] if not fractional_coordinates: _inv_box = inverse(_box) if 'new_box' in kwargs: _box = kwargs['new_box'] if not fractional_coordinates: Ra = transform(_inv_box, Ra) Rb = transform(_inv_box, Rb) dR = periodic_displacement(f32(1.0), pairwise_displacement(Ra, Rb)) dR = transform(_box, dR) if perturbation is not None: dR = raw_transform(perturbation, dR) return dR def u(R, dR): if wrapped: return periodic_shift(f32(1.0), R, dR) return R + dR def shift_fn(R, dR, **kwargs): if not fractional_coordinates and not wrapped: return R + dR _box, _inv_box = box, inv_box if 'box' in kwargs: _box = kwargs['box'] _inv_box = inverse(_box) if 'new_box' in kwargs: _box = kwargs['new_box'] dR = transform(_inv_box, dR) if not fractional_coordinates: R = transform(_inv_box, R) R = u(R, dR) if not fractional_coordinates: R = transform(_box, R) return R return displacement_fn, shift_fn
[docs]def metric(displacement: DisplacementFn) -> MetricFn: """Takes a displacement function and creates a metric.""" return lambda Ra, Rb, **kwargs: distance(displacement(Ra, Rb, **kwargs))
[docs]def map_product(metric_or_displacement: DisplacementOrMetricFn ) -> DisplacementOrMetricFn: """Vectorizes a metric or displacement function over all pairs.""" return vmap(vmap(metric_or_displacement, (0, None), 0), (None, 0), 0)
[docs]def map_bond(metric_or_displacement: DisplacementOrMetricFn ) -> DisplacementOrMetricFn: """Vectorizes a metric or displacement function over bonds.""" return vmap(metric_or_displacement, (0, 0), 0)
[docs]def map_neighbor(metric_or_displacement: DisplacementOrMetricFn ) -> DisplacementOrMetricFn: """Vectorizes a metric or displacement function over neighborhoods.""" def wrapped_fn(Ra, Rb, **kwargs): return vmap(vmap(metric_or_displacement, (0, None)))(Rb, Ra, **kwargs) return wrapped_fn
[docs]def canonicalize_displacement_or_metric(displacement_or_metric): """Checks whether or not a displacement or metric was provided.""" for dim in range(1, 4): try: R = ShapedArray((dim,), f32) dR_or_dr = eval_shape(displacement_or_metric, R, R, t=0) if len(dR_or_dr.shape) == 0: return displacement_or_metric else: return metric(displacement_or_metric) except TypeError: continue except ValueError: continue raise ValueError( 'Canonicalize displacement not implemented for spatial dimension larger' 'than 4.')