Source code for jax_md.nn

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Neural Network Primitives."""

from typing import Callable, Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional

import numpy as onp

import jax
from jax import vmap, jit
import jax.numpy as jnp

from jax_md import space, dataclasses, quantity, partition, smap
from jax_md import util as jmd_util
import haiku as hk

from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial, reduce
from jax.tree_util import tree_map
from jax import ops

import jraph

from ._nn import behler_parrinello
from ._nn import nequip
from ._nn import gnome
from ._nn import util

# Typing

Array = jmd_util.Array
f32 = jmd_util.f32
f64 = jmd_util.f64

InitFn = Callable[..., Array]
CallFn = Callable[..., Array]

DisplacementOrMetricFn = space.DisplacementOrMetricFn
DisplacementFn = space.DisplacementFn
NeighborList = partition.NeighborList

# Graph neural network primitives

  Our implementation here is based off the outstanding GraphNets library by
  DeepMind at, This implementation was also
  heavily influenced by work done by Thomas Keck. We implement a subset of the
  functionality from the graph nets library to be compatible with jax-md
  states and neighbor lists, end-to-end jit compilation, and easy batching.

  Graphs are described by node states, edge states, a global state, and
  outgoing / incoming edges.

  We provide two components:

    1) A GraphIndependent layer that applies a neural network separately to the
       node states, the edge states, and the globals. This is often used as an
       encoding or decoding step.
    2) A GraphNetwork layer that transforms the nodes, edges, and globals using
       neural networks following Battaglia et al. (). Here, we use

  The graphs network components implemented here implement identical functions
  to the DeepMind library. However, to be compatible with jax-md, there are
  significant differences in the graph layout used here to the reference
  implementation. See `GraphsTuple` for details.

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class GraphsTuple(object): """A struct containing graph data. Attributes: nodes: For a graph with `N_nodes`, this is an `[N_nodes, node_dimension]` array containing the state of each node in the graph. edges: For a graph whose degree is bounded by max_degree, this is an `[N_nodes, max_degree, edge_dimension]`. Here `edges[i, j]` is the state of the outgoing edge from node `i` to node `edge_idx[i, j]`. globals: An array of shape `[global_dimension]`. edge_idx: An integer array of shape `[N_nodes, max_degree]` where `edge_idx[i, j]` is the id of the j-th outgoing edge from node `i`. Empty entries (that don't contain an edge) are denoted by `edge_idx[i, j] == N_nodes`. """ nodes: jnp.ndarray edges: jnp.ndarray globals: jnp.ndarray edge_idx: jnp.ndarray _replace = dataclasses.replace
def concatenate_graph_features(graphs: Tuple[GraphsTuple, ...]) -> GraphsTuple: """Given a list of GraphsTuple returns a new concatenated GraphsTuple. Note that currently we do not check that the graphs have consistent edge connectivity. """ graph = graphs[0] return graph._replace( nodes=jnp.concatenate([g.nodes for g in graphs], axis=-1), edges=jnp.concatenate([g.edges for g in graphs], axis=-1), globals=jnp.concatenate([g.globals for g in graphs], axis=-1), # pytype: disable=missing-parameter )
[docs]def GraphMapFeatures(edge_fn: Callable[[Array], Array], node_fn: Callable[[Array], Array], global_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] ) -> Callable[[GraphsTuple], GraphsTuple]: """Applies functions independently to the nodes, edges, and global states. """ identity = lambda x: x _node_fn = vmap(node_fn) if node_fn is not None else identity _edge_fn = vmap(vmap(edge_fn)) if edge_fn is not None else identity _global_fn = global_fn if global_fn is not None else identity def embed_fn(graph): return dataclasses.replace( graph, nodes=_node_fn(graph.nodes), edges=_edge_fn(graph.edges), globals=_global_fn(graph.globals) ) return embed_fn
def _apply_node_fn(graph: GraphsTuple, node_fn: Callable[[Array,Array, Array, Array], Array] ) -> Array: mask = graph.edge_idx < graph.nodes.shape[0] mask = mask[:, :, jnp.newaxis] if graph.edges is not None: # TODO: Should we also have outgoing edges? flat_edges = jnp.reshape(graph.edges, (-1, graph.edges.shape[-1])) edge_idx = jnp.reshape(graph.edge_idx, (-1,)) incoming_edges = jax.ops.segment_sum( flat_edges, edge_idx, graph.nodes.shape[0] + 1)[:-1] outgoing_edges = jnp.sum(graph.edges * mask, axis=1) else: incoming_edges = None outgoing_edges = None if graph.globals is not None: _globals = jnp.broadcast_to(graph.globals[jnp.newaxis, :], graph.nodes.shape[:1] + graph.globals.shape) else: _globals = None return node_fn(graph.nodes, incoming_edges, outgoing_edges, _globals) def _apply_edge_fn(graph: GraphsTuple, edge_fn: Callable[[Array, Array, Array, Array], Array] ) -> Array: if graph.nodes is not None: incoming_nodes = graph.nodes[graph.edge_idx] outgoing_nodes = jnp.broadcast_to( graph.nodes[:, jnp.newaxis, :], graph.edge_idx.shape + graph.nodes.shape[-1:]) else: incoming_nodes = None outgoing_nodes = None if graph.globals is not None: _globals = jnp.broadcast_to(graph.globals[jnp.newaxis, jnp.newaxis, :], graph.edge_idx.shape + graph.globals.shape) else: _globals = None mask = graph.edge_idx < graph.nodes.shape[0] mask = mask[:, :, jnp.newaxis] return edge_fn(graph.edges, incoming_nodes, outgoing_nodes, _globals) * mask def _apply_global_fn(graph: GraphsTuple, global_fn: Callable[[Array, Array, Array], Array] ) -> Array: nodes = None if graph.nodes is None else jnp.sum(graph.nodes, axis=0) if graph.edges is not None: mask = graph.edge_idx < graph.nodes.shape[0] mask = mask[:, :, jnp.newaxis] edges = jnp.sum(graph.edges * mask, axis=(0, 1)) else: edges = None return global_fn(nodes, edges, graph.globals)
[docs]class GraphNetwork: """Implementation of a Graph Network. See for more details. """ def __init__(self, edge_fn: Callable[[Array], Array], node_fn: Callable[[Array], Array], global_fn: Callable[[Array], Array]): self._node_fn = (None if node_fn is None else partial(_apply_node_fn, node_fn=vmap(node_fn))) self._edge_fn = (None if edge_fn is None else partial(_apply_edge_fn, edge_fn=vmap(vmap(edge_fn)))) self._global_fn = (None if global_fn is None else partial(_apply_global_fn, global_fn=global_fn)) def __call__(self, graph: GraphsTuple) -> GraphsTuple: if self._edge_fn is not None: graph = dataclasses.replace(graph, edges=self._edge_fn(graph)) if self._node_fn is not None: graph = dataclasses.replace(graph, nodes=self._node_fn(graph)) if self._global_fn is not None: graph = dataclasses.replace(graph, globals=self._global_fn(graph)) return graph
# Prefab Networks class GraphNetEncoder(hk.Module): """Implements a Graph Neural Network for energy fitting. Based on the network used in "Unveiling the predictive power of static structure in glassy systems"; Bapst et al. ( This network first embeds edges, nodes, and global state. Then `n_recurrences` of GraphNetwork layers are applied. Unlike in Bapst et al. this network does not include a readout, which should be added separately depending on the application. For example, when predicting particle mobilities, one would use a decoder only on the node states while a model of energies would decode only the node states. """ def __init__(self, n_recurrences: int, mlp_sizes: Tuple[int, ...], mlp_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, format: partition.NeighborListFormat=partition.Dense, name: str='GraphNetEncoder'): super(GraphNetEncoder, self).__init__(name=name) if mlp_kwargs is None: mlp_kwargs = {} self._n_recurrences = n_recurrences embedding_fn = lambda name: hk.nets.MLP( output_sizes=mlp_sizes, activate_final=True, name=name, **mlp_kwargs) model_fn = lambda name: lambda *args: hk.nets.MLP( output_sizes=mlp_sizes, activate_final=True, name=name, **mlp_kwargs)(jnp.concatenate(args, axis=-1)) if format is partition.Dense: self._encoder = GraphMapFeatures( embedding_fn('EdgeEncoder'), embedding_fn('NodeEncoder'), embedding_fn('GlobalEncoder')) self._propagation_network = lambda: GraphNetwork( model_fn('EdgeFunction'), model_fn('NodeFunction'), model_fn('GlobalFunction')) elif format is partition.Sparse: self._encoder = jraph.GraphMapFeatures( embedding_fn('EdgeEncoder'), embedding_fn('NodeEncoder'), embedding_fn('GlobalEncoder') ) self._propagation_network = lambda: jraph.GraphNetwork( model_fn('EdgeFunction'), model_fn('NodeFunction'), model_fn('GlobalFunction') ) else: raise ValueError() def __call__(self, graph: GraphsTuple) -> GraphsTuple: encoded = self._encoder(graph) outputs = encoded for _ in range(self._n_recurrences): inputs = concatenate_graph_features((outputs, encoded)) outputs = self._propagation_network()(inputs) return outputs