Source code for jax_md.elasticity

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"""Code to calculate the elastic modulus tensor for athermal systems.

  The elastic modulus tensor describes a material's response to different
  boundary deformations. Specifically, for a small deformation given by a
  symmetric strain tensor e, the change in energy is

  .. math::

     U / V^0 = U^0/V^0 + s^0_{ij} e_{ji} + (1/2) C_{ijkl} e_{ij} e_{kl} + \ldots{}
  where :math:`V^0` is the volume, :math:`U^0` is the initial energy, :math:`s^0` is the residual stress
  tensor of the undeformed system, and :math:`C` is the elastic modulus tensor. :math:`C` is
  a fourth-rank tensor of shape (dimension,dimension,dimension,dimension), with
  the following symmetries.

    Minor symmetries:

    .. math::

       C_{ijkl} = C_{jikl} = C_{ijlk}

    Major symmetries:

    .. math::

       C_{ijkl} = C_{lkij}

  The minor symmetries are also reflected in the symmetric nature
  of stress and strain tensors:

  .. math::
     s_{ij} = s_{ji}
     e_{ij} = e_{ji}

  In general, there are 21 independent elastic constants in 3 dimension (6 in 2
  dimensions). While systems with additional symmetries (e.g. isotropic,
  orthotropic, etc.) can be expressed with fewer constants, we do not assume any
  such additional symmetries.

  At zero temperature, the response of every particle to a deformation can be
  calculated explicitly to linear order, enabling the exact calculation of
  the elastic modulus tensor without the need of any finite differences or any


from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, Callable, Union
from absl import logging

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp
from jax import jit, lax, grad, vmap, jacfwd, jacrev, jvp

from jax_md import quantity
from jax_md.util import Array
from jax_md.util import f32
from jax_md.util import f64

def _get_strain_tensor_list(dim, dtype) -> Array:
  if dim == 2:
    strain_tensors = jnp.array([[[1, 0],[0, 0]],
                                [[0, 0],[0, 1]],
                                [[0, 1],[1, 0]],
                                [[1, 0],[0, 1]],
                                [[1, 1],[1, 0]],
                                [[0, 1],[1, 1]]], dtype=dtype)
  elif dim == 3:
    strain_tensors = jnp.array([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                                [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                                [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                                [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
                                [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
                                [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],
                                [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
                                [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]],
                                [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]],
                                [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                                [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]],
                                [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
                                [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]], dtype=dtype)
    raise AssertionError('not implemented for {} dimensions'.format(dim))
  return strain_tensors

def _convert_responses_to_elastic_constants(response_all: Array) -> Array:
  if response_all.shape[0] == 6:
    cxxxx = response_all[0]
    cyyyy = response_all[1]
    cxyxy = 0.25 * response_all[2]
    cxxyy = 0.5  * (response_all[3] - cxxxx - cyyyy)
    cxxxy = 0.25 * (response_all[4] - 4 * cxyxy - cxxxx)
    cyyxy = 0.25 * (response_all[5] - 4 * cxyxy - cyyyy)

    C = jnp.array(
        [[[[cxxxx, cxxxy], [cxxxy, cxxyy]],
          [[cxxxy, cxyxy], [cxyxy, cyyxy]]],
         [[[cxxxy, cxyxy], [cxyxy, cyyxy]],
          [[cxxyy, cyyxy], [cyyxy, cyyyy]]]])

  elif response_all.shape[0] == 21:
    cxxxx = response_all[0];
    cyyyy = response_all[1];
    czzzz = response_all[2];
    cyzyz = response_all[3] / 4.;
    cxzxz = response_all[4] / 4.;
    cxyxy = response_all[5] / 4.;
    cyyzz = (response_all[6] - cyyyy - czzzz) / 2.;
    cxxzz = (response_all[7] - cxxxx - czzzz) / 2.;
    cxxyy = (response_all[8] - cxxxx - cyyyy) / 2.;
    cxxyz = (response_all[9] - cxxxx - 4. * cyzyz) / 4.;
    cxxxz = (response_all[10] - cxxxx - 4. * cxzxz) / 4.;
    cxxxy = (response_all[11] - cxxxx - 4. * cxyxy) / 4.;
    cyyyz = (response_all[12] - cyyyy - 4. * cyzyz) / 4.;
    cyyxz = (response_all[13] - cyyyy - 4. * cxzxz) / 4.;
    cyyxy = (response_all[14] - cyyyy - 4. * cxyxy) / 4.;
    czzyz = (response_all[15] - czzzz - 4. * cyzyz) / 4.;
    czzxz = (response_all[16] - czzzz - 4. * cxzxz) / 4.;
    czzxy = (response_all[17] - czzzz - 4. * cxyxy) / 4.;
    cyzxz = (response_all[18] - 4. * cyzyz - 4. * cxzxz) / 8.;
    cyzxy = (response_all[19] - 4. * cyzyz - 4. * cxyxy) / 8.;
    cxzxy = (response_all[20] - 4. * cxzxz - 4. * cxyxy) / 8.;

    C = jnp.array(
         [[[[cxxxx, cxxxy, cxxxz],
            [cxxxy, cxxyy, cxxyz],
            [cxxxz, cxxyz, cxxzz]],
           [[cxxxy, cxyxy, cxzxy],
            [cxyxy, cyyxy, cyzxy],
            [cxzxy, cyzxy, czzxy]],
           [[cxxxz, cxzxy, cxzxz],
            [cxzxy, cyyxz, cyzxz],
            [cxzxz, cyzxz, czzxz]]],
          [[[cxxxy, cxyxy, cxzxy],
            [cxyxy, cyyxy, cyzxy],
            [cxzxy, cyzxy, czzxy]],
           [[cxxyy, cyyxy, cyyxz],
            [cyyxy, cyyyy, cyyyz],
            [cyyxz, cyyyz, cyyzz]],
           [[cxxyz, cyzxy, cyzxz],
            [cyzxy, cyyyz, cyzyz],
            [cyzxz, cyzyz, czzyz]]],
          [[[cxxxz, cxzxy, cxzxz],
            [cxzxy, cyyxz, cyzxz],
            [cxzxz, cyzxz, czzxz]],
           [[cxxyz, cyzxy, cyzxz],
            [cyzxy, cyyyz, cyzyz],
            [cyzxz, cyzyz, czzyz]],
           [[cxxzz, czzxy, czzxz],
            [czzxy, cyyzz, czzyz],
            [czzxz, czzyz, czzzz]]]])
    raise AssertionError('response_all has incorrect shape')
  return C

[docs]def athermal_moduli(energy_fn: Callable[..., Array], tether_strength: float=1e-10, gradient_check: Array=None, cg_tol: float=1e-7, check_convergence: bool=False ) -> Callable[..., Array]: """ Setup calculation of elastic modulus tensor. Args: energy_fn: A function that computes the energy of the system. This function must take as an argument `perturbation` which perturbs the box shape. Any energy function constructed using `smap` or in `` with a standard space will satisfy this property. tether_strength: Scalar. Strength of the "tether" applied to each particle, which can be necessary to make the Hessian matrix non-singular. Solving for the non-affine response of each particle requires that the Hessian is positive definite. However, there can often be zero modes (eigenvectors of the Hessian with zero eigenvalue) that do not couple to the boundary, and therefore do not affect the elastic constants despite the zero eigenvalue. The most common example is the global translational modes. To solve for the non-affine response, we consider the "tethered Hessian" `H + tether_strength * I`, where `I` is the identity matrix and `tether_strength` is a small constant. gradient_check: `None` or scalar. If not `None`, a check will be performed to guarantee that the maximum component of the gradient is less than `gradient_check`. In other words, that `jnp.amax(jnp.abs(grad(energy_fn)(R, box=box))) < gradient_check == True` NOTE: JAX currently does not support proper runtime error handling. Therefore, if this check fails, the calculation will return an array of `jnp.nan`'s. It is the users responsibility, if they want to use this check, to then ensure that the returned array is not full of nans. cg_tol: scalar. Tolerance used when solving for the non-affine response. check_convergence: bool. If true, `calculate_EMT` will return a boolean flag specifying if the cg solve routine converged to the desired tolerance. The default is `False`, but convergence checking is highly recommended especially when using 32-bit precision data. Return: A function to calculate the elastic modulus tensor """ def calculate_emt(R: Array, box: Array, **kwargs) -> Array: """Calculate the elastic modulus tensor. `energy_fn(R)` corresponds to the state around which we are expanding Args: R: array of shape `[N,dimension]` of particle positions. This does not generalize to arbitrary dimensions and is only implemented for `dimension == 2` and `dimension == 3`. box: A box specifying the shape of the simulation volume. Used to infer the volume of the unit cell. Return: C or the tuple (C,converged) where C is the Elastic modulus tensor as an array of shape `[dimension, dimension,dimension,dimension]` that respects the major and minor symmetries, and converged is a boolean flag (see above). """ if not (R.shape[-1] == 2 or R.shape[-1] == 3): raise AssertionError('Only implemented for 2d and 3d systems.') if R.dtype is not jnp.dtype('float64'): logging.warning('Elastic modulus calculations can sometimes lose ' 'precision when not using 64-bit precision.') dim = R.shape[-1] def setup_energy_fn_general(strain_tensor): I = jnp.eye(dim, dtype=R.dtype) @jit def energy_fn_general(R, gamma): perturbation = I + gamma * strain_tensor return energy_fn(R, perturbation=perturbation, **kwargs) return energy_fn_general def get_affine_response(strain_tensor): energy_fn_general = setup_energy_fn_general(strain_tensor) d2U_dRdgamma = jacfwd(jacrev(energy_fn_general,argnums=0),argnums=1)(R,0.) d2U_dgamma2 = jacfwd(jacrev(energy_fn_general,argnums=1),argnums=1)(R,0.) return d2U_dRdgamma, d2U_dgamma2 strain_tensors = _get_strain_tensor_list(dim, R.dtype) d2U_dRdgamma_all,d2U_dgamma2_all = vmap(get_affine_response)(strain_tensors) #Solve the system of equations. energy_fn_Ronly = partial(energy_fn, **kwargs) def hvp(f, primals, tangents): return jvp(grad(f), primals, tangents)[1] def hvp_specific_with_tether(v): return hvp(energy_fn_Ronly, (R,), (v,)) + tether_strength * v non_affine_response_all = vmap(hvp_specific_with_tether), d2U_dRdgamma_all, tol=cg_tol )[0] #The above line should be functionally equivalent to: #H0=hessian(energy_fn)(R, box=box, **kwargs).reshape(R.size,R.size) \ # + tether_strength * jnp.identity(R.size) #non_affine_response_all = jnp.transpose(jnp.linalg.solve( # H0, # jnp.transpose(d2U_dRdgamma_all)) # ) residual = jnp.linalg.norm(vmap(hvp_specific_with_tether)( non_affine_response_all) - d2U_dRdgamma_all ) converged = residual / jnp.linalg.norm(d2U_dRdgamma_all) < cg_tol response_all = d2U_dgamma2_all - jnp.einsum("nij,nij->n", d2U_dRdgamma_all, non_affine_response_all) vol_0 = quantity.volume(dim, box) response_all = response_all / vol_0 C = _convert_responses_to_elastic_constants(response_all) # JAX does not allow proper runtime error handling in jitted function. # Instead, if the user requests a gradient check and the check fails, # we convert C into jnp.nan's. While this doesn't raise an exception, # it at least is very "loud". if gradient_check is not None: maxgrad = jnp.amax(jnp.abs(grad(energy_fn)(R, **kwargs))) C = lax.cond(maxgrad > gradient_check, lambda _: jnp.nan * C, lambda _: C, None) if check_convergence: return C, converged else: return C return calculate_emt
def _get_mandel_mapping_weight(dim, dtype): if dim == 2: m_map = jnp.array([[0,0],[1,1],[0,1]], dtype=jnp.int8) weight = jnp.array([1,1,jnp.sqrt(2)], dtype=dtype) return m_map, weight elif dim == 3: m_map = jnp.array([[0,0],[1,1],[2,2],[1,2],[0,2],[0,1]], dtype=jnp.int8) weight = jnp.array([1,1,1,jnp.sqrt(2),jnp.sqrt(2),jnp.sqrt(2)], dtype=dtype) return m_map, weight else: raise AssertionError('dim must be 2 or 3')
[docs]def tensor_to_mandel(T: Array) -> Array: """ Convert a tensor to Mandel notation. Mandel notation is a way to represent symmetric second-rank tensors and fourth-rank tensors with minor symmetries in a reduced form. Pairs of indices are combined as follows: For tensors of shape (2,2) or (2,2,2,2): tensor indices Mandel indices 0,0 --------------> 0 1,1 --------------> 1 0,1 or 1,0 -------> 2 For tensors of shape (3,3) or (3,3,3,3): tensor indices Mandel indices 0,0 --------------> 0 1,1 --------------> 1 2,2 --------------> 2 1,2 or 2,1 -------> 3 0,2 or 2,0 -------> 4 0,1 or 1,0 -------> 5 If mandel_index(i,j) performs the above index mapping, then the input T and output M satisfy M[mandel_index(i,j)] = T[i,j] * w or M[mandel_index(i,j), mandel_index(k,l)] = T[i,j,k,l] * w(i,j) * w(k,l) where w(i,j) = 1 if i==j = sqrt(2) if i!=j is a weight that is used to ensure proper contraction rules. Here (and only here) we do not assume major symmetries in fourth-rank tensors. Args: T: Array with 4 possible shapes: #. T.shape == (2,2) Convert a symmetric array of shape (2,2) to an array of shape (3,) #. T.shape == (3,3) Convert a symmetric array of shape (3,3) to an array of shape (6,) #. T.shape == (2,2,2,2) Convert a tensor of shape (2,2,2,2) with minor symmetries to an array of shape (3,3) #. T.shape == (3,3,3,3) Convert a tensor of shape (3,3,3,3) with minor symmetries to an array of shape (6,6) Output: Array of shape (3,), (6,), (3,3), or (6,6) see: (accessed 21 April, 2021) """ dim = T.shape[0] if not (dim ==2 or dim == 3): raise AssertionError('dim must be 2 or 3') rank = len(T.shape) if not (rank == 2 or rank == 4): raise AssertionError('T must have rank 2 or 4') m_map, weight = _get_mandel_mapping_weight(dim, T.dtype) if rank == 2: extract = lambda idx, w: T[idx[0], idx[1]] * w M = vmap(extract, in_axes=(0,0))(m_map, weight) else: extract = lambda idx0, idx1, w0, w1: T[ idx0[0], idx0[1], idx1[0], idx1[1] ] * w0 * w1 M = vmap( vmap(extract, in_axes=(0,None,0,None)), in_axes=(None,0,None,0))(m_map, m_map, weight, weight) return M
[docs]def mandel_to_tensor(M: Array) -> Array: """ Perform the inverse of M = tensor_to_mandel(T). Args: M: Array of shape (3,), (6,), (3,3), or (6,6) Output: Array of shape (2,2), (3,3), (2,2,2,2), or (3,3,3,3) """ mandel_dim = M.shape[0] if not (mandel_dim == 3 or mandel_dim == 6): raise AssertionError('M.shape[0] must be 3 or 6') rank = len(M.shape) if not (rank == 1 or rank == 2): raise AssertionError('T must have rank 1 or 2') def mandel_index(i, j): return lax.cond(i==j, lambda ij: ij[0], lambda ij: mandel_dim - ij[0] - ij[1], (i,j)) if mandel_dim == 3: dimension = 2 else: dimension = 3 tensor_range = jnp.arange(dimension) _, weight = _get_mandel_mapping_weight(dimension, M.dtype) if rank == 1: def extract(i, j): idx = mandel_index(i, j) return M[idx] / weight[idx] T = vmap( vmap(extract, in_axes=(0,None)), in_axes=(None,0))(tensor_range, tensor_range) else: def extract(i, j, k, l): idx0 = mandel_index(i, j) idx1 = mandel_index(k, l) return M[idx0, idx1] / (weight[idx0] * weight[idx1]) T = vmap( vmap( vmap( vmap(extract, in_axes=(0,None,None,None)), in_axes=(None,0,None,None)), in_axes=(None,None,0,None)), in_axes=(None,None,None,0))(tensor_range, tensor_range, tensor_range, tensor_range) return T
@partial(jit,static_argnums=(1,)) def _extract_elements(C, as_dict): if C.shape[0] == 2: indices = ( [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) clist = C[ indices ] if as_dict: names = ['cxxxx','cyyyy','cxyxy','cxxyy','cxxxy','cyyxy'] return dict(zip(names, clist)) else: return clist elif C.shape[0] == 3: indices = ( [0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) clist = C[ indices ] if as_dict: names = ['cxxxx','cyyyy','czzzz','cyzyz','cxzxz','cxyxy','cyyzz','cxxzz', 'cxxyy','cxxyz','cxxxz','cxxxy','cyyyz','cyyxz','cyyxy','czzyz', 'czzxz','czzxy','cyzxz','cyzxy','cxzxy'] return dict(zip(names, clist)) else: return clist else: raise AssertionError('C has wrong shape')
[docs]def extract_elements(C: Array) -> Dict: """ Convert an elastic modulus tensor into a list of unique elements. In 2d, these are: cxxxx,cyyyy,cxyxy,cxxyy,cxxxy,cyyxy In 3d, these are: cxxxx,cyyyy,czzzz,cyzyz,cxzxz,cxyxy,cyyzz,cxxzz,cxxyy,cxxyz,cxxxz,cxxxy, cyyyz,cyyxz,cyyxy,czzyz,czzxz,czzxy,cyzxz,cyzxy,cxzxy Args: C: A previously calculated elastic modulus tensor represented as an array of shape (spatial_dimension,spatial_dimension,spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension), where spatial_dimension is either 2 or 3. C must satisfy both the major and minor symmetries, but this is not checked. Return: a dict of the 6 (21) unique elastic constants in 2 (3) dimensions. """ return _extract_elements(C,True)
[docs]def extract_isotropic_moduli(C: Array) -> Dict: """ Extract commonly used isotropic constants. There are a number of important constants used to describe the linear elastic behavior of isotropic systems, including the bulk modulus, B, the shear modulus, G, the longitudinal modulus, M, the Young's modulus, E, and the Poisson's ratio, nu. This convenience function extracts them from an elastic modulus tensor C. Angle averaged quantities: While these quantities are defined for isotropic systems, one can still define an "angle-averaged shear modulus", for example, that averages over all possible shear deformations. This can be useful for systems that are statistically isotropic but where a particular realization is slightly anisotropic. The precise definitions are as follows: First, we define the "response", R, to a certain strain tensor e to be R = 2 * (U / V^0 - U^0/V^0 - s^0_{ij} e_{ji}) = C_{ijkl} e_{ij} e_{kl} Bulk modulus, B: This is the response to the rotationally invariant strain tensor: e = (1/2) * ( 1 0 ) or e = (1/3) * ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 1 ) ( 0 1 0 ) ( 0 0 1 ) Shear modulus, G: This is the response to the strain tensor: e = (1/2) * ( 0 1 ) or e = (1/2) * ( 0 1 0 ) ( 1 0 ) ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) averaged over all possible orientations. For perfectly isotropic systems, it should be equal to C[0,1,0,1]. Longitudinal modulus, M: This is the response to the strain tensor: e = ( 1 0 ) or e = ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) averaged over all possible orientations. For perfectly isotropic systems, it should be equal to C[0,0,0,0]. Young's modulus, E: This is a measure of tensile stiffness and is calculated a using well- known expression in terms of B and G. Poisson's ratio: This is a measure of deformations in directions perpendicular to an applied load and is calculated a using well-known expression in terms of B and G. Args: C: A previously calculated elastic modulus tensor represented as an array of shape (spatial_dimension,spatial_dimension,spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension), where spatial_dimension is either 2 or 3. C must satisfy both the major and minor symmetries, but this is not checked. Return: a dictionary containing the elastic constants. """ if C.shape[0] == 2: cxxxx,cyyyy,cxyxy,cxxyy,cxxxy,cyyxy = _extract_elements(C,False) B = (cxxxx + cyyyy + 2. * cxxyy) / 4. G = (4. * cxyxy + cxxxx + cyyyy - 2. * cxxyy) / 8. M = B + G E = 4 * B * G / (B + G) nu = (B - G) / (B + G) elif C.shape[0] == 3: cxxxx,cyyyy,czzzz,cyzyz,cxzxz,cxyxy,cyyzz,cxxzz,cxxyy, \ cxxyz,cxxxz,cxxxy,cyyyz,cyyxz,cyyxy,czzyz,czzxz,czzxy, \ cyzxz,cyzxy,cxzxy = _extract_elements(C,False) B = (cxxxx + 2 * cxxyy + 2 * cxxzz + cyyyy + 2 * cyyzz + czzzz) / 9. G = (cxxxx - cxxyy - cxxzz + 3 * cxyxy + 3 * cxzxz + cyyyy - cyyzz + 3 * cyzyz + czzzz) / 15. M = B + 4 * G / 3 E = 9 * B * G / (3 * B + G) nu = (3 * B - 2 * G) / (2 * (3 * B + G)) else: raise AssertionError('C has incorrect shape') return {'B':B, 'G':G, 'M':M, 'E':E, 'nu':nu}